aldollar althahabi trading

Tel No. (+971) 55-327-6117 

About Us

security camera

AlDollar AlThahabi Trading (ADAT)

Established in 2010 in view of the growing interests in low current services like Security Camera (CCTV) and satellite TV business, under the parent company
AlDollar AlThahabi Trading L.L.C. It has since developed to a regional company with office in Sharjah.UAE as headquarter. ADAT is a parent company of AirLink Technologies. We are a dynamic, custom residential, commercial and industrial electronics integrator. ADAT optimize service value by continually refining through research. We are to deliver any size project through our partnering with a cadre of associate professionals. ADAT provides the annual and project based contracts with complete sales & services support.

Why Choose Us?

We always optimize service value by continually refining through research. We are to deliver any size project through our partnering with a cadre of associate professionals. One-stop shop catering to small, medium, and large size businesses, government, educational organizations and the banking sector. Our solutions team can CCTV Security, 2km wifi connectivity, SMATV, Access control, structured cabling, BMS systems and much more. Working in sync with our other departments, we have been able to propose and commission turnkey solutions for numerous clients. As accredited business partners for top brands we make sure that our customers get the solution most suited to their needs.


Our Solution

Sed ut perspiciaatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas

Our Strength

85% Complete (success)
CCTV Projects
40% Complete (success)
SMATV Hotel IPTV | Towers | Villas Projects
40% Complete (success)
Structured Cabling | PA System | PBX/Intercom Projects
40% Complete (success)
Wireless PtP | PtMP Projects
40% Complete (success)
ELV Projects

Our Team

security company ceo


cctv autocad

Joe Lobo

CAD Programmer
cctv site engineer


Site Engineer
low current technician

